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Recovered Wood "Sinker"  is beauty, quality, strength and our history

Throughout the late 1800’s and early 1900’s, logging companies used America’s waterways to transport their lumber to the mills downstream. These logs were tied into rafts and floated to the lumber mills for processing. A few of these logs broke loose from the raft or became waterlogged in the sawmill holding ponds. Eventually they settled to the bottom where they were preserved in the silted waters and forgotten for over 100 years. These sunken logs have remained at the bottom of lakes and rivers untouched and perfectly preserved. These old logs are known as “sinkers”. Today, a rich supply of these old trees remain in the sediment of rivers and lakes, preserved in pristine condition by cool waters, devoid of oxygen. The wood is preserved in better condition than if it had been on land and once brought to the surface and milled. The historic value and recovery process only add to it’s rare beauty.We make these lost treasures available to people who want a touch of history, distinction, and environmental responsibility in their next project.  "Sinker" when processed, makes unique flooring, mantels, and bar tops and it is also perfect for custom furniture construction and design and can be stained or left in it’s raw looking natural state.

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